Ekah Bahajan May 8th is the day on which ekaha bhajan is performed at Durgaparameshwari Bhajana Mandira Mulleria.Bhajan is performed un interrupted from sunset on 8th upto sunset on 9th .It is never easy to have an un interrupted bhajan these days .But this is performed every year.Thanks for the devotees of Mulleria and some bhajana Sangha of the adjusent areas.Paike Krishna bhat who himself is a devotee and beleaves that the best way of devotion is to offer bhajan.He leads and almost uncompromisingly stick on to the traditional custom even during this modern era.Bhajan is started with a prayer to goddess to help the devotees to complete the Ekaha bhajan successfully.There will be some tough time in between for short of people to participate in the bhajan.But in the end bhajan will be completed successfully.Bhajana Snagha from the adjuscent areas come and offer their bhajan and they will be provided one hour to two hours for singing bhajans.Their will be reserve men from the local people who at the time of interval will supliment with their part.People assemble and offer prayers and give donations for the programme.Their will be ‘annadana’ after noon pooja and almost 300 people come to have the prasada bhojana.
The key man behind the successful conduct of the bhajan is Sri Krishna Bhat.Who should be addressed as ''purandaradasa'' of Mulleria.He puts in a committed effort .According to him Bhajan is the best way to please god.He is UNcompromising in his goal. This has attracted ill feeling from the people.People wants programmes other than bhajans.But according to K Bhat bahajana mandir is the place were bhajan has to be performed there is no scope for other art forms.Many people consider K bhat to be standing as hurdle on the way for the prosperity of the bhajana mandir.But the real fact is that very existence of the Bhajana Mnadir is due to the commitment of this humble devotee.Apart from ekaha bhajan bhajan is being performed every Saturday and on every special occasion Sri K Bhat aproches people and find sponsors for each bhajan programme.Truely an ardent follower of bhajan.
Last Sunday we have completed another ekaha bhajan very successfully.
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